

Hi there, Im Joseph I’m the brains and illustrator/designer behind Joseph Art and Design. I create illustrated greetings cards and other bespoke illustrative pieces. The perfect gift for yourself, friends or family. 


I started Joseph Art and Design in 2017, during my second year of my undergraduate graphic design course at Northumbria University. I wanted a place for some self promotion of my illustration work and as the main place of contact for getting commissions. I started by creating personalised portraits and wedding invitations. In 2022, shortly after graduating from a Masters in Illustration I decided to start designs for greetings cards and to start to build my little illustration brand up.


My illustrations mainly centre around the British countryside and farming. I’m keen to promote all aspects of life in the countryside and hope my work does it justice. 


If you’re keen on working together or would like a commissioned piece please get in touch!


Many Thanks





Check out a selection of my products below or use the main tab to navigate to get to what you need!